Word of the day… I love the word ‘lexicon’ therefore I will try to amuse you with a WOTD now and again.

I met a Luthier today. 🙂 – a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars.! – Oxford Dictionary

8-15-2024 – Triumvirate – a group of three holding power. The first Triumvirate consisted of the unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in 60 BC and ( the Second Triumvirate ) a coalition formed by Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian in 43 BC. – Oxford Dictionary. Enya’s triumvirate is the inspiration for this post, blending three beautiful classical voices to make her amazing music!


It is so rare these days that I come across a new word for me at least. I read the dictionary as a youth for entertainment and my adoptive.mother, so kind as to buy a beautiful Encyclopedia Britannica set for me, because I was always asking why, what, how and how come?